
What are the 8 Parameters for Kundali Milan? अष्ट कूट मिलान क्या है?

What are the 8 Parameters for Kundali Milan? अष्ट कूट मिलान क्या है?

In the realm of Indian astrology, Kundali Milan is a sacred and time-honored practice that aims to determine the compatibility and harmony between prospective life partners. It is believed that the positions and movements of celestial bodies at the time of birth can influence an individual’s personality traits, life experiences, and overall destiny. Kundali Matching delves into the intricate details of the birth charts of two individuals, analyzing a set of eight parameters or Kutas to assess their compatibility. These parameters are considered crucial in evaluating the potential success and happiness of a marital union.

The eight parameters in Ashta Koota Milan are Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi. Each parameter focuses on different aspects of compatibility, such as the spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions of a relationship. The analysis involves comparing the birth charts of the prospective partners, examining the placement of planets, the positions of houses, and their interplay. By scrutinizing these parameters, Horoscope Match Making provides valuable insights into the couple’s compatibility, potential challenges they may face, and the overall harmony they are likely to experience in their relationship.

In this blog, we will learn about the meaning of Ashta Koota Milan as described by the experts of Astropathshala. We will discuss the 8 parameters on which the kundali of bride and groom are matched for a happy and prosperous married life.

What is the Meaning of Ashta Koota Milan?

Ashta Koota Milan is a term used in Kundali Matching, which is a practice done before marriage to assess the compatibility between a prospective bride and groom. Ashta Koota Milan refers to the analysis of eight parameters or factors that are considered important in determining the harmony and success of a marital union.

The word “Ashta” means “eight” and “Koota” means “factors” or “parameters.” These eight parameters are Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi. In Vedic Astrology, each parameter focuses on different aspects of compatibility, such as personality traits, emotional connection, and spiritual harmony. By comparing the birth charts of the couple, astrologers examine the positions of planets and their effects on these parameters. They assign points or scores to each parameter, and the total score is calculated. A higher score always indicates that there will be better compatibility between the bride and groom.

Ashta Koota Milan is important because it helps to predict how well the couple will get along, understand each other, and support each other in their married life. It gives insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of potential conflict. However, it’s important to remember that Ashta Koota Milan is just one aspect of Kundali Milan, and the success of a marriage depends on various other factors like love, trust, understanding, and compatibility in daily life.

The 8 Parameters of Kundali Milan

Ashta Koota Milan is an integral part of Kundali Matching, which involves the analysis of eight parameters or factors to determine the compatibility between prospective partners. Each parameter is assigned a certain number of points, and the total score is calculated. A higher score indicates better overall compatibility between the couple.


Varna is one of the eight parameters of Ashta Koota Milan, which evaluates the compatibility between prospective partners in Horoscope Match Making. Varna refers to the spiritual compatibility between individuals and classifies them into four categories: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra.

  • The Brahmin category represents scholars, priests, and individuals with a spiritual inclination.
  • Kshatriyas are associated with warriors, rulers, and those with leadership qualities.
  • Vaishyas include merchants, businessmen, and individuals engaged in commerce.
  • Shudras represent laborers, service providers, and individuals involved in menial jobs.

The Varna parameter examines the alignment of the Varna of both partners to determine compatibility. A harmonious match is achieved when the Varna of both individuals is the same or complementary. However, it’s important to note that Varna in Kundali Milan should not be confused with the caste system in society. It solely represents the spiritual nature and inclinations of individuals.


Vashya categorizes individuals into five types: Manav (human), Chatushpad (small animals), Jalchar (water organisms), Vanchar (wild animals), and Keet (insects). The compatibility of Vashya is determined by whether the Vashya of both partners is the same or complementary.

When the Vashya of both individuals is the same during the Kundali Matching, it indicates a strong attraction and compatibility in their relationship. It signifies that both partners have similar or aligned characteristics and interests, which can lead to a harmonious and balanced bond.

When the Vashya of the partners is complementary, it means that their personalities and temperaments differ but complement each other. This type of compatibility suggests a balance in the relationship, as each partner brings unique qualities that complement and support the other.


In Kundali Milan, Tara focuses on the longevity and health of the relationship. It is determined by analyzing the birth stars or Nakshatras of the couple. Tara assigns points based on the compatibility of the birth stars. Each birth star is divided into nine Taras or groups, numbered from 1 to 9. These Taras have different characteristics and influences on the relationship.

The scoring in Tara depends on whether the birth stars of the couple fall in the same Tara group or are different. When the birth stars fall in different Taras, it is considered auspicious, and more points are awarded. On the other hand, if the birth stars fall in the same Tara group, it is considered inauspicious, and fewer points are given.

The analysis of Tara in Horoscope Match Making helps determine the longevity and overall health of the relationship. It is important to note that while Tara is a significant parameter, it is just one aspect of Kundali matching. The overall compatibility is evaluated by considering all eight parameters collectively.


Yoni in Kundli Matching represents the sexual compatibility and physical intimacy between the couple. It classifies individuals into 14 animal categories, such as Lion, Elephant, Snake, Deer, etc. The Yoni parameter examines the harmony or similarity of the Yoni of both partners. A compatible match is determined when the Yoni of the individuals aligns well.

Here are the positive and negative matches for each of the 14 yonis in Ashta Koota Milan:

  1. Ashwa (Horse)

Positive Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Mriga, Sarpa, Vanara

Negative Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Simha

  1. Gaja (Elephant)

Positive Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Mriga, Sarpa, Vanara

Negative Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Simha

  1. Mesh (Ram)

Positive Matches: Sarpa, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra

Negative Matches: Mesh, Ashwa, Gaja, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Vanara, Simha

  1. Sarpa (Snake)

Positive Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Mriga, Sarpa, Vanara

Negative Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Simha

  1. Shwan (Dog)

Positive Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra

Negative Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Vanara, Simha

  1. Marjar (Cat)

Positive Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra

Negative Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Vanara, Simha

  1. Mushaka (Rat)

Positive Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra

Negative Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Vanara, Simha

  1. Mahisha (Buffalo)

Positive Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra

Negative Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Vanara, Simha

  1. Vyagra (Tiger)

Negative Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Vanara, Simha

  1. Nakul (Mongoose)

Positive Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra

Positive Matches: Nakul, Maha

Negative Matches: Mesh, Vyaghra, Vanara

  1. Maha (Rat)

Positive Matches: Nakul, Maha

Negative Matches: Mesh, Vyaghra, Vanara

  1. Vyaghra (Tiger)

Positive Matches: Vyaghra

Negative Matches: Mesh, Nakul, Maha, Vanara

  1. Vanara (Monkey)

Positive Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Mriga, Sarpa, Vanara

Negative Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Simha

  1. Simha (Lion)

Positive Matches: Ashwa, Gaja, Mriga, Sarpa, Vanara

Negative Matches: Mesh, Shwan, Marjar, Mushaka, Mahisha, Vyagra, Nakul, Maha, Vyaghra, Simha

Graha Maitri

Graha Maitri in Kundali Matching focuses on assessing the mental compatibility and friendship between prospective partners. It analyzes the planetary positions in the birth charts of the couple to determine the harmony and mutual understanding between them.

Graha Maitri evaluates the relationship between the Moon signs of the individuals. The Moon is the representation of emotions and the subconscious mind. By comparing the Moon signs, astrologers assess the compatibility of their emotional nature and how well they can understand and support each other on an emotional level.

A higher score in Graha Maitri indicates a stronger mental bond and compatibility between the couple. Kundli Milan suggests that they will have a better understanding of each other’s emotional needs, thoughts, and behaviors, leading to a harmonious and supportive relationship. This parameter highlights the importance of emotional connection and the ability to empathize with and support each other in times of joy or adversity.


Gana in Horoscope Match Making assesses the temperament and behavior of the prospective couple. It plays a crucial role in determining their compatibility and harmony in a marital union. Gana classifies individuals into three categories: Deva (divine), Manushya (human), and Rakshasa (demonic).

  • Deva Gana individuals are believed to possess gentle and kind-hearted traits. They are inclined towards spirituality, generosity, and compassion.
  • Manushya Gana individuals exhibit a balanced temperament, with a mixture of positive and negative qualities. They tend to have a practical and adaptable approach to life.
  • Rakshasa Gana individuals may display intense and passionate characteristics. They can be independent, assertive, and even competitive in nature.

For a harmonious match, Kundli Matching is generally advised that the Gana of both partners should be the same or at least compatible. Deva Gana matches are considered ideal, followed by Manushya Gana matches. However, Rakshasa Gana matches are considered less compatible due to the potential clash of temperaments and conflicting behaviors.


Bhakoot in Ashta Koota Milan, which is used for Kundali Matching before marriage holds significance in assessing the influence of planetary positions on the couple’s health and financial stability. Bhakoot examines the moon signs or Rashi of the prospective partners and assigns points based on the compatibility of their moon signs.

The Bhakoot parameter is divided into seven categories, each representing a different combination of moon signs. These categories are classified as follows: 

1. Shubh (7 points): When the moon signs of both partners are in a favorable position, it indicates a harmonious and prosperous relationship.

2. Adya (0 points): This category indicates some challenges and obstacles in the relationship, but with effort, they can be overcome.

3. Madhya (5 points): In this category, there may be some difficulties and differences, but with understanding and compromise, the couple can establish a stable relationship.

4. Utta (7 points): This category signifies a positive and auspicious connection between the moon signs of the partners, indicating compatibility and happiness.

5. Vruddha (0 points): This category suggests a challenging and incompatible match, indicating potential conflicts and obstacles in the relationship.

6. Vidhruma (0 points): This category indicates a negative influence on the relationship, with significant differences and challenges to be overcome.

7. Dwandva (0 points): This category represents a conflicting combination of moon signs, indicating potential conflicts and discord in the relationship.

Kundali Milan tells us that the Bhakoot parameter provides insights into the health and financial stability aspects of the couple’s life together. A higher score suggests better compatibility and the likelihood of a stable and prosperous relationship, while a lower score may indicate potential challenges that need to be addressed.


Nadi is the last one in the eight parameters in Ashta Koota Milan, which is used in Kundali Milan to assess the physical and genetic compatibility between the prospective bride and groom. Nadi refers to the pulse or energy channels in the body according to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine.

The Nadi parameter reflects the physiological aspects of a relationship. It aims to ensure the well-being and reproductive health of the couple. By analyzing the Nadi of both partners, astrologers can gain insights into the potential health concerns and overall compatibility in terms of physical compatibility and the potential for progeny.

Nadi classification is based on the Nakshatra (constellation) of the individual’s birth. There are three Nadis: Adi (Vata), Madhya (Pitta), and Antya (Kapha). Compatibility is considered higher when the Nadi of the partners is different. In Kundali Matching, it is believed that a match with the same Nadi can result in health issues or difficulties in conceiving children.


In conclusion, the 8 parameters of Kundali Milan, known as Ashta Koota Milan, play a significant role in assessing the compatibility and harmony between prospective life partners. Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi are the key factors analyzed to determine the suitability of a match. Each parameter provides valuable insights into various aspects, including spiritual compatibility, physical intimacy, mental harmony, and genetic alignment.

At Astropathshala, we understand the importance of Kundali Matching and offer consultation services to guide individuals and families in their quest for a compatible partner. Our expert astrologers provide personalized insights and interpretations of the birth charts, helping you make informed decisions about your marital journey.

Moreover, Astropathshala goes beyond Kundli Milan by offering a wide range of astrology courses suitable for every level of expertise. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, our 30+ astrology courses are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding of this ancient science. We take pride in providing the most affordable prices and the best course content in the industry, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

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