
Master the Art of Prashna Kundli at Astro Pathshala

Prashna Kundli Astrology – Astro Pathshala One of the most advanced parts of Jyotish is “Prashna” or horary astrology, which means “A Question”. This is called Horary Astrology in the West of India. Using Prashna Kundli, you can find a solution for any problem is it mental or physical. It is one of the ancient methods of

accredited palmistry courses in Gurgaon

Palmistry Institute in Gurgaon – Become a Professional Palmist

Become a Professional Palmist with our Palmistry Learning Course Welcome to Astro Pathshala- a reputed Vedic Astrology & Vastu institution in Gurgaon, India offering palmistry classes in Gurgaon. If you also want to learn Palmistry, Numerology, Astrology, or Vastu then you can enroll in our Foundation Astrology Course. Palmistry or chiromancy is the Shastra of characterization and

astro pathshala

Kundalini Tantra and Jyotish – Astro Pathshala

Kundalini Tantra and Jyotish – Astro Pathshala Kundalini is the Shakti feminine vitality in all of us. Coiled like a snake, three and a half times around itself with its tail in its mouth, it lies lethargic in Muladhara chakra, the root chakra, at the base of the spine. At AstroPathshala, you can learn Kundalini

Learn the Divisional Chart Calculator Astrology – Astro Pathshala

Learn the Divisional Chart Calculator Astrology – Astro Pathshala Divisional charts resemble mini horoscopes that are made by dividing each sign of the natal chart (D-1) into different sections. The same way in which widely used divisional chart “dashamsa (d-10) is created by dividing each sign of D-1 into 10 equal parts. At AstroPathshala, we offer

Best Numerology Courses Online In Gurgaon

Best Numerology Courses Online In Gurgaon – Astro Pathshala Astro Pathsala is the leading Numerology institute in Gurgaon at the forefront of teaching and mentoring since 2005. For 15 years, we have been providing in-house Numerology lessons in Gurgaon. Now we are availing through online Numerology courses in Gurgaon. Learn Numerology online in Gurgaon under

pitr dosh

पितृ दोष: कारण, प्रभाव और उपाय

पितृ दोष: कारण, प्रभाव और उपाय भारतीय ज्योतिष में, पितृ दोष एक महत्वपूर्ण अवधारणा है जो परिवार और वंश पर प्रभाव डालती है। पितृ दोष का उल्लेख तब होता है जब कुंडली में कुछ विशेष ग्रहों की स्थिति या योग पितरों के अप्रसन्न होने का संकेत देती है। इसे ज्योतिषीय दृष्टिकोण से एक प्रकार का

माता तुलसी की पूजा: क्या है मान्यता और क्या हैं लाभ

माता तुलसी की पूजा: क्या है मान्यता और क्या हैं लाभ माता तुलसी का धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक महत्व भारतीय संस्कृति में तुलसी (बेसिल) का विशेष महत्व है। तुलसी को ‘माता तुलसी‘ के रूप में पूजनीय माना जाता है। इसकी पूजा और धार्मिक आस्था के पीछे कई पौराणिक, धार्मिक और वैज्ञानिक कारण हैं। पौराणिक मान्यता पौराणिक

Exploring Bharani Nakshatra – Astro Pathshala

Exploring Bharani Nakshatra: A Journey Through Astrology Bharani Nakshatra, the second lunar mansion, is intricately linked with the divine feminine energy of Yama, the deity of death and transformation. Bharani Nakshatra represents how things keep renewing and changing all the time, like a cycle that never stops. It’s like the constant back-and-forth between life and

Decoding the Mysteries of Nakshatras – Ashwini Nakshatra

Decoding the Mysteries of Nakshatras – Ashwini Nakshatra In Vedic astrology, Nakshatras are important because they give us insights into how cosmic forces affect our lives. These are clusters of stars mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts. They’re like different neighborhoods in the sky and can tell us a lot about a person’s character, future, and