
Sun in Each House of the Kundali – जाने सूर्य का आपके जीवन पर असर

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Sun in Each House of the Kundali – जाने सूर्य का आपके जीवन पर असर

In Vedic Astrology, a total of 9 planets are considered that influence our life. In our horoscope, there are a total of 12 houses and each one of them are representing different aspects of our life. Whenever a planet sits in these houses, it either enhances its effects provides positive results to us or it can degrade the effects and give us negative results.
In this blog, we are going to talk about the Sun can have on your life when it is placed in all these houses. You will also understand the types of results and effects it provides after getting placed in each of the 12 houses. According to Vedic Astrology, the Sun is one of the most important and prominent planets affecting our life. It represents our ego, soul, government, authority, power, vitality, profession, and many more. We will see what effects on all these aspects when the Sun gets placed in different houses.
Now let’s see the results and effects in all of these houses one by one.

Sun in the First House
In Vedic astrology, the first house of the horoscope, also known as the Ascendant or Lagna, is considered one of the most crucial houses as it represents the self, personality, physical appearance, and overall individuality of a person. The placement of the Sun in the first house can have significant effects on a person’s life and characteristics.
⦁ The Sun in the first house bestows a strong sense of identity and self-confidence. Individuals with this placement often have a clear understanding of who they are and what they want in life.
⦁ The Sun is a natural symbol of leadership, and when placed in the first house, it can enhance leadership qualities. These individuals may have a natural ability to take charge and lead others.

⦁ The Sun represents vitality and energy, so its placement in the first house can contribute to a robust and energetic physical constitution.
⦁ Individuals with the Sun in the first house tend to be ambitious and driven. They often have a desire to achieve personal goals and make a significant impact on the world.
⦁ The Sun in the first house can influence the physical appearance, giving a bright and radiant facial expression. These individuals may have a regal or authoritative aura about them.
⦁ In Vedic astrology, the Sun is associated with the father. With the Sun in the first house, there may be a strong influence or connection with the father, and the relationship may play a significant role in shaping the individual’s identity.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the First House
If you find that your Sun is weak while placed in the first house due to the effects of malefic or enemy planets, then you can perform the remedies given below to provide strength to your Sun.
⦁ The Ruby (Manik) gemstone is associated with the Sun, and wearing a natural, untreated Ruby can strengthen the Sun’s influence.
⦁ Recite the Gayatri Mantra to strengthen the Sun.
⦁ Make charitable donations, especially on Sundays. Donate items associated with the Sun, such as wheat, jaggery, red clothes, or copper.
⦁ Regularly practice Surya Namaskar to enhance the Sun’s energy within the body.
⦁ Devote time to worship Lord Surya (the Sun god). Light a lamp with ghee and offering water to the Sun during sunrise.
⦁ Use copper utensils for drinking water or consuming food.
⦁ Observe a fast on Sundays to appease the Sun.
⦁ Seek Blessings from Father or Fatherly Figures.

Sun in the Second House
In Vedic astrology, the second house in a horoscope is associated with various aspects of one’s material and financial possessions, speech, family, values, and self-worth. The presence of the Sun in the second house can have several effects on an individual’s life, depending on its placement, aspects, and conjunctions with other planets.
⦁ The Sun is a symbol of authority and power. Its placement in the second house may indicate financial stability and prosperity. Individuals with this placement may have the ability to accumulate wealth and resources through their own efforts.
⦁ The second house is also related to personal values and self-worth. The Sun’s influence here can make individuals have a strong sense of their own value and principles. They may take pride in their achievements and possessions.
⦁ The Sun in the second house may enhance communication skills. Individuals may have a strong and authoritative way of expressing themselves.
⦁ The second house is linked to family and close relationships. The presence of the Sun may indicate a strong focus on family values and a sense of responsibility towards family members.
⦁ On the downside, the Sun can also bring an element of ego and overconfidence. Individuals with this placement may need to be mindful of not becoming too domineering or arrogant, especially in their interactions with family members or close associates.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Second House
When you are facing negative results due to a weakened
⦁ Aditya Hridayam Strotam is a powerful hymn said to please Lord Sun and bring strength.
⦁ Every morning, offer water to the rising Sun. This is believed to strengthen the Sun’s positive influence in your life.
⦁ Make donations on Sundays to organizations or individuals in need.
⦁ Place a Surya Yantra in your home or workplace.
⦁ Sun also represents the father, show respect and care for your father or father figures in your life to positively influence the Sun’s energy.
⦁ Practice meditation and visualize the Sun radiating bright, positive energy throughout your body.

Sun in the Third House
When the Sun is positioned in the third house, it brings its unique energy and characteristics to that particular area of life. Here are some general effects of the Sun in the third house.
⦁ The third house is associated with communication, siblings, and short journeys. The Sun in this house can enhance one’s communication skills, making the individual articulate, confident, and expressive. There may be a natural inclination towards effective and authoritative communication.
⦁ The presence of the Sun in the third house can impact the relationship with siblings. It may indicate a dominant or authoritative role within the family dynamics.
⦁ The Sun is a symbol of determination, willpower, and individuality. When placed in the third house, it can contribute to a strong-willed and determined nature. The individual may pursue their goals with confidence and perseverance.
⦁ The third house is also associated with short journeys, local travel, and transportation. The Sun’s influence in this house may indicate a preference for activities related to short trips or frequent movement.
⦁ The Sun is a symbol of courage and boldness. In the third house, it can contribute to a fearless and confident approach to challenges. The native may be unafraid to express their opinions and take on leadership roles in various situations.
⦁ While the Sun’s presence in the third house has its strengths, it may also bring challenges, such as a tendency towards arrogance, domineering behaviour, or conflicts with siblings. It’s important for individuals to be mindful of balancing their assertiveness with diplomacy.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Third House
⦁ Wear red or saffron coloured clothes in your daily life.
⦁ Wake up before sunrise and watch the rising sun with your naked eyes.
⦁ Chant the Gayatri Mantra daily after taking a bath.
⦁ Worship Lord Surya daily and recite Aditya Hridayam Strotam.
⦁ Use copper vessels for drinking water and eating food.
⦁ Clean the north-east direction of your house every day.

Sun in the Fourth House
In Vedic astrology, the fourth house is associated with home, family, emotions, and real estate. The placement of the Sun in the fourth house can influence multiple fronts of an individual’s life.
⦁ The Sun in the fourth house may bring a strong focus on home and family matters. Individuals with this placement may prioritize their domestic life and find fulfilment in creating a stable and secure home environment.
⦁ The Sun represents authority and leadership, so its placement in the fourth house can make the individual a natural leader within the family.
⦁ The fourth house is also associated with real estate and property. With the Sun here, there may be an inclination towards owning or investing in real estate. The individual might derive a sense of pride and identity from their home and property.
⦁ The Sun symbolizes the self and confidence. When placed in the fourth house, it can contribute to emotional stability and a strong sense of self-worth derived from one’s roots and upbringing.
⦁ On the flip side, if the Sun is afflicted in the fourth house, it could indicate challenges in family relationships. There may be conflicts with authority figures in the family or issues related to the individual’s identity and self-expression within the family structure.
⦁ The Sun’s placement in the fourth house may spark an interest in one’s ancestral heritage and traditions. Individuals with this placement might feel a strong connection to their roots and family history.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Fourth House
⦁ Pay respect to your father, government, and higher officials.
⦁ To make your Sun powerful, recite the Surya mantra: ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः ।। daily.
⦁ Donate food or money to people in need, especially those who are blind.
⦁ Wear a Ruby (Manik) gemstone to provide power to the Sun.
⦁ Do businesses related to gold, silver, or clothes.
⦁ Place an energised Surya Yantra in the worshiping area of your house.

Sun in the Fifth House
In Vedic astrology, the placement of the Sun in the fifth house of the horoscope can influence various aspects of an individual’s life. The fifth house is associated with creativity, children, romance, education, speculation, and intellect. Here are some general effects of the Sun in the fifth house:
⦁ The Sun represents individuality and self-expression. When placed in the fifth house, it can enhance creativity and artistic abilities. Individuals may have a strong desire to express themselves through various forms of art, such as music, drama, or writing.
⦁ The Sun signifies intelligence, and its placement in the fifth house may indicate a strong interest in education and intellectual pursuits. These individuals may excel in academic endeavours and have a keen intellect.
⦁ The fifth house is also associated with love affairs and romantic relationships. The Sun’s presence here can bring confidence and a strong sense of self in matters of the heart. These individuals may be charismatic and attract romantic partners easily. However, they may also seek a relationship where they can shine and be recognized.
⦁ The fifth house is traditionally linked to children, and the Sun’s influence here may indicate a strong bond with one’s offspring. These individuals may take on a leadership role in their relationship with their children and play a vital role in their upbringing.
⦁ The Sun’s placement in the fifth house may make individuals inclined towards taking risks, especially in areas related to speculation and gambling.
⦁ The Sun in the fifth house can lead individuals to take on leadership roles in creative fields. They may be drawn to positions where they can express themselves and showcase their talents.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Fifth House
⦁ Donate jaggery, red sandalwood, copper, and pink clothes.
⦁ If your Sun is weak or inauspicious, avoid getting into politics at any level.
⦁ Feed jaggery along with chapatti to red-faced monkeys.
⦁ Make your kitchen in the east direction of your house.
⦁ Observe a fast on Sundays to appease Lord Surya.

Sun in the Sixth House
When the Sun is positioned in the sixth house, it brings its own set of characteristics and impacts to the person’s overall astrological profile. Here are some general effects associated with the Sun in the sixth house:
⦁ The Sun in the sixth house can have a positive impact on health matters. It is often considered beneficial for physical well-being and vitality. The individual may possess good energy levels and a robust constitution.
⦁ The sixth house is traditionally associated with work, service, and daily routines. With the Sun here, there may be a strong focus on these areas of life. The individual is likely to be dedicated, hardworking, and diligent in their professional responsibilities.
⦁ The sixth house is also linked to conflicts, obstacles, and competitions. The Sun in this position may indicate a person who faces challenges head-on and strives to overcome them.
⦁ The Sun represents leadership, and in the sixth house, this leadership quality may manifest in a service-oriented context. The individual may take on leadership roles in areas related to health, social work, or other service-oriented fields.
⦁ The Sun in the sixth house can influence relationships with subordinates or colleagues at the workplace. The person may take on an authoritative role and may have strong expectations from those working under them.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Sixth House
⦁ Make sure that you follow the ancestral customs and perform rituals set by your forefathers.
⦁ Feed jaggery and wheat chapatti to monkeys.
⦁ Whenever you visit a temple or a religious place, feed stray dogs present around the place.
⦁ Make sure you always have water of the holy Ganga River (Ganga Jal) in your house.
⦁ Do volunteering work and services for those in need.
⦁ Perform Surya Namaskar daily to build a positive connection with Lord Surya.

Sun in the Seventh House
⦁ The Sun is a powerful and authoritative planet, and its placement in the seventh house can make a person take on a leadership role in relationships. This can either enhance or challenge the dynamics in relationships.
⦁ The seventh house is particularly associated with marriage, and the Sun’s presence can signify a person who places significant importance on marriage and partnership.
⦁ The Sun’s placement in the seventh house can also indicate success in business partnerships. The individual may have a natural ability to lead and negotiate, making them effective in joint ventures and collaborations.
⦁ The strong influence of the Sun can sometimes lead to conflicts in relationships. The person may need to be mindful of being overly controlling or egocentric.
⦁ The Sun in the seventh house can contribute to a person’s attractiveness and magnetism in the eyes of others. They may exude confidence and charisma, drawing people towards them in both personal and professional relationships.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Seventh House
⦁ Worship the rising sun every morning with incense (dhoop) and lamp (deep). After this, give water to the sun (argh).
⦁ Donate cow along with her calf to energise your weak sun in the seventh house.
⦁ Recite Aditya Hridayam Strotam daily.
⦁ Observe a fast on Sundays to provide power to weak sun.
⦁ Donate red colour clothes in temples or to the needy.
⦁ Drink a glass of water with sugar in it before starting any new work.

Sun in the Eighth House
⦁ The eighth house is often linked with transformation and rebirth. When the Sun is placed here, it may indicate a life path involving deep psychological changes and profound transformations.
⦁ The eighth house is associated with intensity, and the Sun’s placement here can make the individual deeply passionate and intense in their approach to life.
⦁ Sun in the eighth house may give an inclination towards occult sciences, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge. Individuals with this placement might be interested in exploring the hidden aspects of life, such as astrology or other metaphysical subjects.
⦁ The eighth house is also associated with shared resources, joint finances, and the partner’s income. Sun in the eighth house can indicate a focus on financial matters related to partnerships, inheritance, or investments with others.
⦁ The eighth house is also linked to challenges, crises, and transformative events. The Sun here may signify that the individual could face significant life-altering situations requiring inner strength and resilience.
Remedies for Weak Sun in the Eighth House
⦁ Do not indulge in professions related to Saturn when Sun is in the eighth house.
⦁ Since the Sun represents Lord Vishnu, people with weak sun in the eighth house should pray to Lord Vishnu and obtain his blessings.
⦁ Take care of red or black cows on a regular basis. Taking care of white cows can prove to be harmful.
⦁ When going to work, eat a little amount of jaggery and drink some water after it before leaving the house.
⦁ Throw jaggery into running water.

Sun in the Ninth House
⦁ The Sun in the ninth house can contribute to a strong desire for knowledge, higher education, and wisdom. Individuals with this placement may be inclined towards academic pursuits, philosophy, and spiritual studies.
⦁ The ninth house is also related to spirituality and religion. With the Sun in this house, there may be a strong interest in exploring and understanding various belief systems.
⦁ The Sun in the ninth house can indicate a love for travel, especially long-distance journeys. Individuals with this placement may find joy and expansion through exploring different cultures, philosophies, and geographical locations.
⦁ The native may have the potential to become a teacher, mentor, or guide in areas related to higher knowledge.
⦁ The Sun in the ninth house can contribute to a naturally optimistic and positive outlook on life. The individual may have a broad perspective always seeing the bigger picture.

Remedies for Weak Sun in the Ninth House
⦁ Donate silver, rice, or milk to needy people or in temples.
⦁ Never accept anything for free or as a donation.
⦁ Never keep empty brass pots in your kitchen, keep some things in the utensils.
⦁ Avoid wearing black and blue clothes as much as possible.
⦁ Donate silver to people in need or in temples.
⦁ Pray to Lord Surya in the morning by providing water to the rising Sun (Surya Argh).

Sun in the Tenth House
⦁ The tenth house is associated with career, profession, and social status. When the Sun is placed here, it can bestow leadership qualities and a strong desire for authority and recognition.
⦁ Individuals with Sun in the tenth house may be ambitious, determined, and strive for success in their chosen field.
⦁ These individuals may excel in careers that involve leadership, government, politics, administration, or any field where a strong and authoritative presence is valued.
⦁ The tenth house is also related to one’s public image and reputation. Sun here can enhance the native’s public standing, making them known for their achievements and contributions.
⦁ Individuals with Sun in the tenth house may have significant interactions with authority figures, such as bosses, mentors, or government officials.
⦁ The relationship with authority figures is generally positive, and they may receive support and recognition from such figures.
⦁ There can be a strong work ethic and a tendency to focus on career goals to the detriment of other life areas. Balancing work and personal life may be a challenge, as the individual is driven to achieve success in their chosen field.

Remedies for Weak Sun in Tenth House
⦁ Avoid wearing blue clothes in daily routine.
⦁ Apply Saffron (Kesar) tilak on your forehead.
⦁ If your Sun is affected by the Saturn, then install a hand pump in your house.
⦁ Prioritise wearing red and saffron coloured clothes.
⦁ Donate wheat, jaggery, chapatti, etc. to needy people during the daytime.
⦁ Chant the Surya Mantra ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः।। daily in the morning.

Sun in the Eleventh House
⦁ The Sun in the eleventh house can make a person socially active and inclined towards forming strong friendships. Individuals with this placement may have a charismatic and authoritative presence in their social circles.
⦁ This position enhances the person’s ability to network and form beneficial associations. The individual may have a knack for building a wide network of influential and supportive contacts.
⦁ The Sun in the eleventh house can contribute to ambitious goals and a strong desire for success in life. There may be a focus on achieving one’s aspirations and making a mark in society.
⦁ Individuals with this placement may find themselves in leadership roles within groups or organizations. They possess qualities that attract followers and can effectively lead and manage collective efforts.
⦁ The eleventh house is associated with financial gains and fulfilment of desires. The Sun here can contribute to financial success and material prosperity. The individual may be fortunate in accumulating wealth through various sources.
⦁ There may be a strong sense of social responsibility, and the person might be inclined towards philanthropy or involvement in social causes. The desire to contribute to the welfare of society may be a significant aspect of their personality.
⦁ While the Sun in the eleventh house can bring success in social and professional spheres, it may also lead to challenges in personal relationships if not balanced. The person may prioritize social and professional pursuits over personal and intimate connections.

Remedies for Weak Sun in Eleventh House
⦁ Place Carrots, Radishes, or Turnip near your headrest while sleeping and donate it to temples in the morning.
⦁ Do not consume alcohol, meat, or eggs.
⦁ Observe fast on Sundays to get blessings of Lord Surya and provide power to the planet Sun in your horoscope.
⦁ Make sure you clean the north-east corner of your house on a daily basis.
⦁ Wake up before the sunrise and watch the rising sun with naked eyes.

Sun in the Twelfth House
⦁ The twelfth house is associated with losses, expenses, and financial matters that are hidden or occur behind the scenes. The presence of the Sun in this house may suggest that the individual needs to be mindful of managing their finances and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
⦁ When the Sun is placed here, it may indicate a person who is inclined towards spiritual pursuits, meditation, and introspection. The individual may seek solitude to connect with their inner self.
⦁ With the Sun in this house, there could be challenges or adversaries that are not immediately apparent. The person may need to be cautious about hidden agendas and work diplomatically to overcome obstacles.
⦁ The twelfth house is linked to foreign lands and foreign connections. Sun’s placement here may indicate a person with interests or involvement in international matters, travel, or dealings with people from different cultures.
⦁ The twelfth house is also linked to bed pleasures and dreams. The Sun’s placement here could influence the individual’s dreams, fantasies, and experiences related to the bedroom.
⦁ On a positive note, the Sun in the twelfth house can contribute to spiritual healing and self-discovery. The person may find solace and strength through spiritual practices and may have a natural inclination towards charitable or humanitarian activities.

Remedies for Weak Sun in Twelfth House
⦁ Feed jaggery and chapatti to monkeys.
⦁ Do not work with brother-in-law or your father’s brothers (Uncles) in partnership as it can prove to be very harmful.
⦁ Do not provide false testimony for anyone.
⦁ In your daily life, try to wear red or saffron coloured clothes as much as possible.
⦁ Use copper vessels to drink water or eat anything to get positive results from the Sun.

A Final Thought
According to Vedic Astrology, the planet Sun is considered the King of the cabinet of planets. It represents our soul, father, ego, self-esteem, power, vitality, and much more. It is important to keep it positive and reap as much positive results as possible. In this blog, we told you the effects and characteristics of Sun in 12 houses of our horoscope. We also mentioned some simple yet effective remedies that will provide positive results when performed with pure heart.
It is recommended that you should consult with an expert astrologer before performing any remedies because the horoscope of every person is different. If you want to learn about your own horoscope, book a consultation with Astro Pathshala’s expert astrologers. Our astrologers hold decades of experience in the world of astrology having thousands of satisfied customers.
If you want to learn astrology and understand the intricate secrets of the world of astrology, then download our application “Astro Pathshala” or login to our website. We have more than 35 courses and 10+ bundles available to choose from. We believe in providing the most affordable and best-quality astrological education. It is why our courses are available at the least possible prices in the industry.

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